about Illuminati official


What is Illuminati brotherhood? the Fraternity is one of the world’s most historic membership organizations, a 300-year-old worldwide fraternity of like-minded people committed to bettering themselves and their communities. Illuminati encompasses a series of moral teachings based on allegory and the symbolism of ancien

The Illuminati official is firt class association of the world pioneers, business specialists, trend-setters, craftsmen, and others compelling individuals from this planet. Our alliance joins powerhouses of all political, strict, and geological foundations to additional the success of the human species all in all

At its core, Illuminati is about:

  • True Friendship

    any members meet their best friends through the Illuminati brotherhood. That’s because Masonry offers a combination that’s hard to find anywhere else: s

  • Community Service

    Masons take an obligation to support those around them. Illuminati gives back in a multitude of ways, from local charity drives to statewide efforts through the Illuminati Lodge.

  • Personal Development

    Ancient Illuminati focused on building structures. Today’s Illuminati focuses on building Wealth, Fame, and Power. We believe in strong values, and we embody them through our actions, our relationships, and our service to others.

  • why we created this website

    discover the illuminati's messages for the world

    Since the formation of the Illuminati, many citizens have inaccurately portrayed our organization in a negative manner. These misconceptions have been perpetuated for centuries through videos, photos, articles, books, and unofficial online resources claiming to understand our mission and members.

    In creating this online destination, we strive to alleviate the concerns voiced by the people of this planet and provide insight into our goals and operations.

    who we are

    Our secret isn’t ancient rituals or secret ceremonies. It’s our members. Meet some of them here. Our members come from all backgrounds and all walks of life. While the Illuminati of the USA represents the largest Illuminati Fraternity in the World, it isn’t the only one

    The Illuminati operates in defense of you and all humans, in all places, and of all generations. Our duty to this planet has spanned across centuries and survived even the most established government entities. But the cultivation of trillions of human lives is a daunting responsibility, and while the human would not exist today without our protection, many uninformed masses mistake our guidance for a restriction of liberty. Every human desires to be free of oppression, free of hardship, free of poverty, free of hunger, free of rules and laws — but as you understand, the nature of your species leaves true freedom impossible. Are you free to murder? Are you free to steal? Are others free to murder and steal from you? Or are there certain freedoms that must be given up for the benefit of all? For happiness, the human desires freedom; for prosperity, the human requires leadership.This is the reason behind our anonymity. To continue functioning throughout societal changes and generational differences, the Illuminati must remain behind the curtain — an outsider, belonging to none and loyal to all.You may never understand how your life can be free while guided by our organization. You may never fully comprehend our purpose and why you are safest and happiest with us. Simply open your mind and release your apprehensions, and you will find the relief of truth.We will never take your hand and pull you down the path like a slave to our whims. You must find and travel the road on your own. But your quality of life is our greatest concern, and the reason our symbols are placed in your society as a map for you to follow if you desire.

    Jay-Z said his signal is a diamond ‘Roc’ – not an Illuminati triangle – for Roc-A-Fella Records

    The Pyramid of Illuminati Power

    The Barvarian Illuminati insinuated themselves into public offices and courts of justice. Estimates about the group’s size vary greatly – some put the figure at 650, others at 2,500 – but, eventually, the secret society was exposed and persecuted. Documents found in the homes of Illuminati like diplomat Franx Xavier von Zwack confirmed their dreams of world domination. The Duke of Bavaria, Karl Theodor, banned secret societies in In 1785 and instituted punishments for anyone who joined them. But did the Illuminati really dissolve?

    Robison and Abbé Augustin Barruel, authors of Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, argue that the Illuminati survived, having infiltrated a Berlin literary society and Masonic lodges. In addition, they point out that Weishaupt was banished but not imprisoned, so he carried on writing and working. Barruel even promoted a theory that secret societies, including the Illuminati, we’re behind the French Revolution.

    the people of illuminati

    millions of people from all walks of life have committed themselves to the illuminati's global work for the betterment of the human species. by forgoing all divisions of religious, geographical or political beliefs, followers of illuminatistrive to form a planet where all people in all places can live in abundance.

    Power of unity & connection

    in recent years you have been seeing people of works of life from different angles of the world holding meetings all about the kindom of our god the all see eye of power and wealth and to the society to know that the power of wealth or getting world doesn't just workd 24/7 to make a lot of money or aquire power but instead belonging to the right places and making right connections

    the purpose of the illuminati

    Like all organisms, the human species naturally strives against extinction. Though your countries have borders and your languages have barriers, all people in all places are members of the same biological family. All humans are pieces of a collective that keeps humanity in existence.

    Though you are merely a speck on the back of a grain of sand when compared to the vast number of humans born and decomposed for millennia, you are as important to your species’ survival as the greatest kings and queens.

    But by nature, the human is affected by instinct, emotion, and imbalance.

    A human will turn on one of its own species for reasons that will never matter in a thousand years, and likely not matter in even a hundred or ten. While you have seen the light in the distance and chosen to follow it — even if from mere curiosity — there are millions more whose backs are turned against its glow.

    The Illuminati operates various departments and programs for the benefit of all people, in all places, from all generations. By protecting the interests of humanity as a whole, our organization has ensured the ongoing dominance of the human species over every other creature and predator on this planet.